Home Videogiochi Guide [Lista Trofei] Burnhouse Lane

[Lista Trofei] Burnhouse Lane

Chapter 1

Completed Chapter 1…

Chapter 2

Completed Chapter 2…

Chapter 3

Completed Chapter 3…

Chapter 4

Completed Chapter 4…

Chapter 5

Completed Chapter 5…

Chapter 6

Completed Chapter 6…

Chapter 7

Completed Chapter 7…

Treasure Hunter

You found a treasure in the most unusual of places…

First Prize

You won Ciaran’s shooting game and got the first prize!

Feeding Time

You served fresh meat to your feline friend from Burnhouse Lane…

No Escape…

You tried to fight it but there was no escape…

Hand Cannon

You found a Desert Eagle…

Off To Pig Heaven

You sent Jeremy off to pig heaven…

What Remains Of David Underseat

You found the remains of David’s body

Jumping Angie

You dashed 25 times…

Honour The D(e)ad

You put flowers on Walter Green’s grave

The Last Cigarette

You smoked your last cigarette


You got splashed by a kid jumping in puddles…

I only Smoke When I’m Drunk

You made a drink for Jenny

Mmm… Coffee…

You offered a cup of coffee to a friend…

A Brush With Death

You helped Aarno survive the night!

The Execution

Sometimes the best solution is to take matters into your own hands…

The Mask

You got Walter Green’s mask back…

The Wall Between Us

You tried to go back to Jenny but there was already a wall between you..

Fast Runner

You killed the faceless creature as Mary before it lured you into a trap…


You set fire to the axe

Golden Ending

You achieved the Golden Ending!

Gen Rush

You fixed the generator without a single failed skillcheck!

A Varied Diet

You served kebab, cupcake, beer, sandwich and a lump of frozen lamb to Mr Fox…

The Goddess Of Axe

You killed the creature in Poisoned Lake without Bloody Mary’s help.

Scritto da
Lorenzo Bologna

Appassionato di tutto ciò che concerne il mondo videoludico, sono un inguaribile amante dei titoli horror e un accumulatore compulsivo di trofei (meglio se di platino). Avvicinato al medium grazie a mamma Nintendo e papà Crash Bandicoot.

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