Home Videogiochi Guide [Lista Trofei] The Valiant

[Lista Trofei] The Valiant

Grand Master

Collect all trophies.

We will do what we must

Complete your first single player campaign mission.

Two knights on one horse

Complete the Prologue missions called Brothers and The Severance.

A personal speciality of mine

Unlock an Ability on a hero’s skill tree.

Cast the first stone

Use a throwable item for the first time.


First use of Retribution.


Finish a mission with one challenge completed.

Agnus dei

Finish a mission with all 3 challenges completed.

Do or do not. There is no try.

Complete 3 missions on hard difficulty.

Beware of an old man

Start a mission from the single player campaign, with Reinhard carrying his best armour and weapon.

First blood will be mine

Kill your first enemy squad.

All death is certain

Destroy 500 enemy squads.

It’s a trap

Defeat 10 enemy squads while they are ambushed.

Run them down

Charge at 20 different enemy squads.

Your mother was a hamster

Insult 30 different enemy squads.

Fight in the shade

Slow down 300 enemy soldiers using Volley Ability.

Full of vigor

Consume 5,000 Vigor from using abilities.

Bond of brothers

Form a bond with 10 different friendly squads.

Demolition man

Destroy 5 buildings or siege machines.

Perpetuum immobile

Immobilize 50 enemy squads.

Not this time, friend

Cancel out enemy’s charge 10 times.

Finders keepers

Collect all gear from one mission.

For the hoard

Collect all gears during a campaign.

No retreat, no surrender.

Kill an enemy squad who is retreating.

You are no match for me

Defeat a boss on hard difficulty.

Say hello to my little friend

Build a siege machine.


Knock down an enemy squad using a siege engine.

Bastion of defense

Build 3 towers.

Skills to pay the bills

Unlock all skills of a hero.

A farmer from Saxony

Complete campaign on easy difficulty.

Brothers in arms

Complete campaign on normal difficulty.

Valiant knight

Complete campaign on hard difficulty.

Scritto da
Lorenzo Bologna

Appassionato di tutto ciò che concerne il mondo videoludico, sono un inguaribile amante dei titoli horror e un accumulatore compulsivo di trofei (meglio se di platino). Avvicinato al medium grazie a mamma Nintendo e papà Crash Bandicoot.

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